工作速度:*高速度150张/分, 经济速度100张/分 Speed the pace of work : 150 /, speed economic 100 整机送纸单元、印刷单元、开槽单元传动齿轮免键装配(无跳动、无侧隙)确保高速传动平稳、套色精确,齿面高频淬火后磨削精加工、润滑系统均采用喷淋式自动润滑 Whole feeding paper unit, the printing unit, the key slot free modules gear assembly (no beating, no backlash) to ensure a smooth high-speed drive, Color precision, high-frequency hardening tooth surfaces after finishing grinding, spray lubrication system used automatic lubrication 1、 送纸部 Ministry feeding paper ◆ 真空吸附辅助后踢式送纸系统 Vacuum-assisted kick after feeding paper system ◆ 电动机组离合警铃提示,行进时警铃持续响铃警示,确保操作人员安全Motor group off alarm suggest that the road continued Neither alarm when a warning to ensure the safety of operation ◆ 铝合金材质踢纸板,质轻耐磨;后挡板气动搁纸装置 Aluminum alloy materials kicked cardboard, lightweight wear; After lagging aerodynamic set Device ◆ 侧档规电动调整,前挡板三层、五层瓦楞纸手动同步调整及手动单独间隙调整 Regulation side stalls electric adjustment, respectively, before the three-tier, and manually adjusted manually separate corrugated five-gap adjustment ◆踢纸系统电动控制进退移位Electric control system kicked retirement, transfer paper ◆ 隔张送纸装置,可根据需要选择连续或隔张送纸 Zhang feeding paper at installation, or can be chosen on the basis of need for feeding paper at Zhang ◆ 电子记录或设定生产数量 Electronic records or set production ◆ 装置尼龙刷排除尘、除屑,可清除纸版印刷面上的杂质,提高印刷品质 Nylon brush dust exclusion devices, in addition to litter, covering printing surface impurities can be removed to improve the printing quality 2、印刷部(带编码器)Printing Division ◆ 印刷辊厚板钢材,表面研磨镀硬铬,快速挂版装置,使粘版更省时 Printing Plate steel roller surface grinding hard chromium plating, fast version of devices that make more efficient version of sticky ◆ 脚踏开关电动控制印版辊正反转,方便装卸印刷版 Indian Roller rotating electric foot pedal control to facilitate loading print edition ◆ 送纸轮、压印辊间隙刻度盘显示手动调整 Feeding paper round, embossing roller gap shows manually adjusted pictorialized ◆ 机组之间装有气动制动式刹车装置,当机组分离 时,刹车机构锁紧机组的周向移动,保持齿轮的固定点 Pneumatic brake-brake installed between the units when the units are separated, the braking mechanism locking week to the mobile unit. maintain the fixed point Gear ◆ 印刷部网纹辊配合送纸系统升降,保护印版,减少纸版浪费 Ministry feeding paper roller printing system with movements, to protect Indian edition, covering waste reduction ◆ 印刷部相位电动行星轮调整,数字显示调整量 Printing Division planetary gear phase electric adjustment figures adjustments ◆ 印版辊横向手动调整距离10毫米 Indian Roller horizontal distance of 10 mm manual adjustment (用户可选配陶瓷网纹220-400网线及刮墨系统) (Lines 220-400 users and matching ceramic netted Squeegee System) 3、 开槽部(带编码器) Slot Department ◆ 上下开槽刀座和上下压线轮左右同步电动调整 8轴传动、上压线轮包裹优质树脂,使压线更美观而不暴线、铜质拨叉 Block slotted knife from top to bottom and make adjustments linear synchronous motor launches around 8 shaft drive, the pressure on the line wrapped round quality resin, line pressure not to make violence more beautiful lines, copper Plectrum ◆ 压线轮间隙手动调整,刻度盘显示调整数据 Pressure Wheel Gap manually adjusted, adjusted data showed pictorialized ◆ 开槽刀厚度7毫米合金钢材料,锯齿形刀刃,*保*使用寿命和开槽质量。 7 mm thickness steel materials slotted knife, serrated blade, and ensure the quality of life and grooving. ◆ 纸箱高度电动调刀,数字显示。 Cartons electric height adjustable, figures show ◆ 电动相位调整,数字显示调整尺寸 Electrical phase adjustment, the adjusted figures show size 工作参数如下 Parameters *大进纸尺寸(maximum paper size ): 2400 x 1200 mm 隔张送纸(Zhang feeding paper at): 2400x1400mm *大印刷尺寸(The largest print size ): 2400x1150 mm *小印刷尺寸(Minimum size printing ): 600 x320mm
2019-04-18 07:11 点击:2485
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